sustainable sites
target: 19 points
site constraints
The site had less than 1/7 acre of buildable area and was surrounded by neighbors. There was very limited lay down area. Due to limited working area, careful coordination among subcontractors was necessary. A tree preservation plan was developed to protect the desirable ginkgo tree located in the front yard leaving even less area to work within.
The site slopes approximately 6 feet from front to back and slightly from the west to the east side. Silt socks filled with wood chips were used on the perimeter of the lot for protect immediate neighbors from runoff. Topsoil from the site was stockpiled and covered with a tarp for use after construction.
The house was scheduled to be completed mid-January, 2009. A landscape plan had been created; however, due to the frozen ground experienced during the Wisconsin winter, installation of the landscaping was deferred until the spring. It is expected that the landscape will require no water use for irrigation once it is established.
Key elements of the landscape plan are:
Light colored, high-albedo material for driveways and walkways
Use of native plants
No invasive species
No turf areas to minimize water use
A strip type driveway with an absorptive swale between the strips
Permeable pavers at the base of the driveway to hold was much runoff as possible
A rain garden to capture the runoff from the house roof and excess runoff from the driveway area and roof system